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Chronic Migraines: What you Need to Know

If you’ve ever suffered from migraines, you know the pain can be unbearable. Whether you suffer from chronic migraines or only get them on rare occasions, they often render you unable to function.

What exactly are migraines, though, and why are they so painful?

What are Migraines?

A migraine is a type of headache that causes severe pain. Usually, but not always, the pain is focused on one side of your head. This pain can be so excruciating that the sufferer can do little else but lie in bed. There are also other symptoms to look for to differentiate between a migraine and a regular headache.


When suffering from a migraine, you will often have some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain
  • Throbbing and pulsing pain
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sensitivity to sound
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

These symptoms can vary in severity, but the pain is rarely mild.

Warning Signs

Anyone who has regularly suffered from migraines can tell you there are often warning signs of an oncoming migraine. These early signs can include:

  • Neck Stiffness
  • Mood changes
  • Constipation
  • Fluid Retention
  • Food Cravings

While these signs could present for other reasons, there’s a good chance a migraine is on the horizon if you notice multiple signs.

In addition to these warning signs, many chronic migraine sufferers report an “aura” before the onset of a migraine. This aura is a symptom that originates in your nervous system. The manifestation of an aura could include the following:

  • Seeing flashes of light and bright spots
  • The sensation of pins and needles in your arm or leg
  • Visual impairment
  • Numbness in your face or on the side of your body

If an aura occurs, the chances are high that a migraine is just around the corner.

While some people suffer only the occasional migraine, others are unfortunate enough to have chronic migraines. A chronic migraine involves having a minimum of 15 days a month with headache, and at least 8 of those days having migraine symptoms. You’re considered to suffer from chronic migraines if these criteria are met for more than three months. Around 3-5% of people in the U.S. are chronic migraine sufferers.

How to Treat

Unfortunately, there is no perfect cure for migraines.

If you believe you suffer from chronic migraines, it is a good idea to see a doctor. There are prescription medications that can help reduce the level of pain and reduce the frequency of migraine headaches.

There are also alternatives that you can try. For example, Root Logic Migraine Defense is a supplement that blends traditional Chinese medicine with modern science. The ingredients are all-natural, and evidence suggests the formula is helpful for both occasional headaches and frequent migraines.

Key Takeaways

Migraines are painful and are incredibly frustrating to chronic sufferers.

It’s essential to pay attention to the warning signs, so you’re prepared before the migraine hits. If the pain is unbearable or worsens over time, please see a doctor to help determine medications to help. In addition, you can try some natural herbal supplements, such as Root Logic Migraine Defense, to keep your migraines at bay.
